Sunday 31 January 2016

First Day

As usual, upon entry at the security gate I felt a calming peace. I
chanted the moola mantra 108 times on the way and I felt a sense of
peace. Upon talking with the warden, I have been allocated room WF-11,
facing the west. There is a room-mate Mr.Arvind from Infosys.

Arvind mentioned about how he does TM on the way back from work on the
Bus. He also explained about the 7 stages in the cycle of yogic
existence :

1. Yama
2. Niyama
3. Pranayama
4. Asana
5. Yoga
6. Dhyana
7. Samadhi

Some people came in to greet us - one Mr.Kishore from Bannerghatta who
is attending the TTC along with his wife. Two others, Mr.Janardhan and
Mr.Karthik (Chennai vasi!).

Now, I must be there downstairs at 6:00 PM. We will be taught Asanas,
Pranayama and we will do TM.

20:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------

Since I'm joining mid-way, and since it is a sunday, I mostly didn't
get guidance. I was assured there will be proper guidance tomorrow. I
learnt about how to do Nadi Sodhana Pranayama from my room mate
Arvind: It requires breathing through left nostril for 4 counts and
then breathing out through right nostril for 6 counts. Then breathing
in through right nostril and reverse the procedure - same 4-6 ratio.

Must wake up tomorrow at 5:00 AM and do everything!