Monday 1 February 2016

Actual First Day

06:06 ---------------------------------------------------------

I woke up on my own quite early, only to realize that it is only 3:50
AM. I went back to sleep and was awakened by the alarm clock.

I forgot to bring the toothbrush. So I "brushed" with tooth paste on
my finger.

I lit up the lamp and agarbatti, and said a few prayers for a
while. Then I realized I have lost my comb. So I borrowed Arvind's
comb. He has told me to keep it.

I forgot to wash the clothes before taking bath. And now I must delay
it until much later.

Now it is time to head out. 6:30 is the rendezvous.

06:09 -----------------Heading out ----------------------------

The session was OKayish. For some reason, the meditation wasn't as
good as yesterday evening. I think I am confused about the
technique. I think I know why. Yesterday, after evening session, a
fellow seeker said "No stopping of TM mantra until it is time to stop
the meditation itself". So I kept going back to the mantra
today. Whereas, often, I tend to forget the mantra and remain in
emptiness land - which is bliss.

Then someone taught asanas. Savasana,
knee-hold-and-rock-backwards-asana, Dhanurasana,
<sitting-single-feet-touching-and-bending>-asana, and
suryanamaskara. Need to figure out the names of these asanas.

08:00 ------------ Now heading out for breakfast --------------

Mindfully ate some tasty Khichdi. The trupti-dakaar (burp) came just
at the end. Happy.

Classes start at 09:30, so until then I'm going to just lie down and
let the food digest.

08:31 ----------------------- Rest ----------------------------

09:20 -------------- Heading out for classes ------------------

There was a TV and DVD player on which Maharishi's tapes were being
played. I was given a notebook and encouraged to take down notes. Some
people were literally trying to write down every word, but I kept only
writing down what I thought was a summary. After tea break Mr.Vijay
told me that it is a good idea to just write down everything because
you will still be cognizing the words when just writing it
anyway... and if you don't you can go back to the notes. The thing is
that the video is not available to us for later viewing. So I agreed
and after tea break I went to the front of t class and tried to note
everything (as much as possible) down.

I have filled up 9 pages by listening to 5 different videos.

1. Levels of perception: in which maharishi explains that there is the
observer and the observed, and the observer has 3 layers of
perception: Intellectual, Mental and Perceptual. Only when all 3 work
together, will the observer see things clearly. He also says that the
simplest (grosses) form of awareness is that which is easy to talk
about while the subtlest is difficult to explain (complex / confusing
to others)

2, Conference on the Electrophysiology of higher states of
consciousness: In which Maharishi talks about the need for an ideal
(hu)man and ideal society. He proposes that mistakes are made when the
thinking is deviated. He also makes it clear that all beings want
desire fullfilment. He makes the case that TM makes the body, mind and
body-mind coordination better and thus opens us up to the Field Of All
Possibilities (FOAP, from hereon). Consciousness is the field of all
possibilities in which both rest and movement happens. Relationships
between the manifest is created in the unmanifest consciousness.

3. Least excitation of Consciousness from the POV of a Physicist: In
which maharishi talks about the scientific research that has shown how
TM benefits the physical and mental health. He talks about how people
can be the home of knowledge of all the laws of nature. He also talks
about how fulfilment of desires is done easily and without
side-effects through making people become open to the FOAP.

4. Silence Structures Action: A trainee explains experience of bliss
after meditation and asks Maharishi why this happens. Maharishi uses
the analogy of wind moving away clouds to reveal the sunlight. The sun
is always there, but due to activity of clouds, its light isn't
apparent. He also goes on to explain that activity and inactivity are
not cognized together at the same time. He says that TM is designed to
gradually make activity slow down so that inactivity can be
cognized. Ultimately, he says that even activity emanates from silence
(ability to run is due to ability to 'exist' (or stand)).

5. Science of Creative Intelligence: knowledge to unfold all
possibilities by developing the full potential of consciousness: As TM
teachers our job is to make everyone realize all possibilities in the
field of consciousness and gain mastery over natural law. Our thoughts
give rise to action, action gives rise to fulfilment. He says that all
existence is subjective, and yet there is the objective unity
consciousness. He says human consciousness is special in that it can
internalize both subjectivity and objectivity. However, when the mind
is "open to all possibilities", then it can work effectively.

6. Vedas is the first science - because it is the basis of all
science. It is also the end of all science. It exposes that there is
Creative Intelligence power in consciousness.

At 3:00, the next session resumes.

15:00 ----------- After noon session ---------------------------------

Oh there were more enjoyable lectures. In the lecture titled "The
First Science" (18th May, 1976), Maharishi said "There is the need for
a science that does not segregate subjectivity from objectivity". He
also said talked about the "exciting discovery" in physics about Super
Fluid Vacuum state and how he would like to compare this to

In that same lecture he makes it a point to describe how Vedic science
is the FIRST science (because it is the basis of all sciences) and the
LAST science (because the goal of all sciences is to make human life
creatively intelligent and happy by empowering us with all the natural
laws; and since this science shows us the way to grasp all the laws of

He says that the method of TM is the systematic way to open up the
FOAP amongst an infinite amount of subjective people and observe the
effects (on body, mind, body-mind complex, body-society-ecology
complex) objectively.

I especially like this one statement: "TM can structure a beautiful
science around all sciences of *comprehensible* nature" (emphasis
mine). Of course, there is the knowable and the unknowable. But
knowing the knowable fully well will lead to, as he puts it, "make
unbounded knowledge a living reality".

Another quote: "Knowledge is for action". And another "Make people
experts in living so that they may satisfy all their desires and
return to the source".

In another lecture about "The state of least excitation and the normal
functioning of the nervous system", he explained how besides the
Waking, Sleeping and Dreaming states, there is the fourth state where
unbounded awareness becomes the norm. He says, practising TM gets you
to that norm by gradually transcending states of excitation from the
gross to the subtle.

In one another lecture, he gives us teachers hints on how to develop
and identify qualities of Creative Intelligence". He says, qualities
like stress release, drastic reduction of insomnia, increase in
creative intelligence, ability of mind to maintain steadiness in same
stressful situations from before / after TM, etc., can be empirically
observed in TM practitioners. Softening of breath, Sharper senses,
Body and mind working together better are some more traits.

20:00 ------------------------ Dinner --------------------------------

It was roti, paasi-paruppu dal, rasam and rice. And of course, there
was also the standard elaki banana.

Post dinner I was discussing with Rajesh warrier from Kerala about
health, healer baskar and some more about science.

20:30 -------------------- Night tapes -------------------------------

There was another lecture that was played in the night it was about
"Where does Creativity stem from?" and it was quite interesting
although he was meditative and kept repeating concepts. He said there
is a self-aware intelligence which is just 'unity'. It is unbounded
and fluctuation free. From it, fluctuations can arise, and that is
where creativity comes from.

I think his description is based on the vedic concept of brahma who
was created by Vishnu to create, but he meditated for thousands of
years and still couldn't make things possible. Then he went to Vishnu
to ask for creativity (who gave nara (water)).

Then Rajesh warrier's uncle (forget his name now) and I discussed some
more on the way back about science, origin of the universe, and so on.

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